Exclusive One to One Sessions for Icons and Elite Leaders: Discover Purpose and Leadership

Exclusive One to One Sessions for Icons and Elite Leaders: Discover Purpose and Leadership

I know who you are

You have accomplished tremendous things as an icon and an elite leader. In your life, your industry, and in all likelihood, the world looks to you as a trailblazer. Influential people look to you for your opinion and guidance; many people, including employees, friends, and family, rely on you. You are a person of accomplishment on a grand scale. However, no matter how high we climb, there comes the point where we yearn to know what really matters. When it comes to everything you’re achieved, what is your Anatomy of Meaning?

There’s so much pressure on you because your actions affect so many. As much as you have massive influence, very few can understand the wear and tear of what it takes to do what you do. You have to navigate the world of relationships very differently than most. This can leave a person wondering whether the person they are communicating with is telling the truth or just giving some sycophantic response… it’s tough! Nonetheless, where others have pulled back, you have stepped forward and you’ve likely been attacked for it.

Listen to this critical Testimony

You intuitively know you are missing meaning

Each of us has a unique Anatomy of Meaning that we apply to the world, accessing it trasforms every decission we make and every action we take, influencing our purpose and leadership.

On the surface, when I say meaning, you may see that as laughable, particularly as someone of your accomplishments. But again, I know you; I’ve worked with many people like you. I am not referring to meaning in the way that it is thrown around today. Not the “idea” of finding your purpose or searching for your “why.” But rather the discovery of what’s been driving you since before you could even comprehend what it was. Meaning in this context is gaining access to what I refer to as your “Deep Greatness.”

Yes, even people like you who achieved so much seek meaning because meaning changes. The more successful we become, the deeper the meaning we desire. What we believed would give our lives meaning in our twenties, thirties, and even forties can come to feel pretty empty.

"Dov’s process is like no other. Here's the real deal! Throughout my career I've been exposed to many mentors and business coaches. Dov is like a behavioral therapist, a psychoanalyst, a business coach, a personal mentor and the soothsayer all rolled into one."
Ellyn Ito
Chief Executive Officer, Innerstill Medical Technology.
"I physically feel different because of what Dov forced me to confront, and it didn't take months, it took a day, and then some enforcements."​
Renowned Surgeon, Technology Innovator, and Entrepreneur.
"Dov has an amazing ability to cut through all the BS and get right to the heart of issue. Intuitive, direct, bold! His ability to challenge you and separating himself from the process, really provide the space for work and change."
Ray Glicksohn
Senior Partner, Danialson Group Wealth Management.
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"Dov’s process is like no other. Here's the real deal! Throughout my career I've been exposed to many mentors and business coaches. Dov is like a behavioral therapist, a psychoanalyst, a business coach, a personal mentor and the soothsayer all rolled into one."
Ellyn Ito
Chief Executive Officer, Innerstill Medical Technology.
"I physically feel different because of what Dov forced me to confront, and it didn't take months, it took a day, and then some enforcements."​
Renowned Surgeon, Technology Innovator, and Entrepreneur.
"Dov has an amazing ability to cut through all the BS and get right to the heart of issue. Intuitive, direct, bold! His ability to challenge you and separating himself from the process, really provide the space for work and change."
Ray Glicksohn
Senior Partner, Danialson Group Wealth Management.
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I can help you knowing the Anatomy of Meaning

I’ve worked with people of your significance for decades, so all my work has focused on advising and guiding people of your stature and I was twice named Inc. Magazine Top 100 Leadership speaker and 5x Global Guru for Leadership, I’ve written best-selling books; and I’ve spoken at events for the UN, US Air Force and World Business Management Forum. Those are just some of my externally validating accomplishments. However, what matters to you is that I have spent more than thirty years codifying The Emotional Source Code and the Anatomy of Meaning and understanding the essence of purpose and leadership.

I’ve done this for individuals like you, for organizations like yours, and even for nations. It’s what takes individuals like you from success to significance and on to the fulfillment that comes from operating out of our unique, Deep Greatness.

I work with a very small group of qualified individuals each year; if you want to have a conversation, it will be confidential, and we can determine if and how I can best serve you. In this conversation, we will talk about what you want that you are not getting. Whether you and I decide to work together or not, I’m confident that you will find it valuable. You will come away with solid answers to questions you may have had longer than you can remember. I often hear that even from the initial conversation, profound insights and clarity are gleaned.

Bookings for 2024 are coming in strong. Reserve your date to
Tap Your Anatomy of Meaning!