Tap into personal awareness and what drives human behavior

Tap into personal awareness and what drives human behavior

one of humanity’s most potent
driving forces

Whether you are observing your neighbors, friends, families, or the media, you are undoubtedly aware that we are seeing a massive rise in tribalism across the political spectrum. Each of us as individuals and as groups has an Emotional Source Code, and biologically, humans crave belonging to those who align with their Emotional Source Code, fostering a deeper personal awareness. Our primordial DNA tells us that we must have a tribe to survive. This tribalism is at the root of all radical separation and constant cultural clashes we encounter. However, when we take the time to understand the Emotional Source Code of the group or individual, we can develop empathy, personal awareness, and compassion; this can, in turn, facilitate a unifying meaning.

A sense of belonging is one of humanity’s most potent driving forces. In the absence of belonging, we will trade “belonging” for the poor substitute of “fitting in.”

In belonging, we gain the strength and certainty to nurture our most authentic and magnificent selves to come to fruition through increased personal awareness. We are free to explore not only more of who we are but also more of who we can be.

The emotional source code of belonging

Emotional Source Code - The Need to Fit in

Conversely, when trying to fit in, we will distort, minimize, and even disenfranchise parts of ourselves to consciously or unconsciously hide anything that could get us ejected from the tribe.

At the core of tribal thinking and behavior is the doctrine of “you’re either with us or against us.” This mentality is not only damaging to families and communities, but it is the driving force that determines whether your company can attract or retain both top talent and customers.

The driving force of human beings is meaning

As it determines beliefs and behaviors. It is, therefore, in your best interest to discover the Emotional Source Code of your Organization, the people in it, and the customers you want to attract.

Emotional Source Code is the direct path to meaning, and “Those Who Control “Meaning” for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe”

Dov Baron - Emotional Source Code Infographic

How to Apply the

Download these intriguing REPORTS

Dov Baron - Vladimir Putin Emotional Source Code

Once you understand Vladimir Putin's Emotional Source Code, what he is doing becomes painfully apparent.

Dov Baron - From Culture to Tribe of Belonging

To discover the importance of applying the Emotional Source Code in your organization and stop the effects of the great resignation.

"Powerful, exacting and humorous."
Harvard Psychology Professor on Mindfulness​.
"Dov sees instinctually how different types of individuals relate to and move through the world."
CIA Trainer and Co-Host of The Behavior Panel.
"Dov has a unique ability to connect with anyone no matter where they come from and what they have been through."​
US Ambassador to Kenya, Special Envoy to Sudan, Major General USAF (Ret), Commanding Officer.
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"Powerful, exacting and humorous."
Harvard Psychology Professor on Mindfulness​.
"Dov sees instinctually how different types of individuals relate to and move through the world."
CIA Trainer and Co-Host of The Behavior Panel.
"Dov has a unique ability to connect with anyone no matter where they come from and what they have been through."​
US Ambassador to Kenya, Special Envoy to Sudan, Major General USAF (Ret), Commanding Officer.
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Ready to foster a
culture of belonging?

The Most Critical Thing Leaders and Business Owners Need To Understand Is What Drives Human Behavior.

Thank you.